Minnesota D.O.T. Study Project
Randolph St. Over I-35 in St. Paul, MN
The Randolph St. bridge deck was rehabilitated in 1986. This included milling the deck to a depth of
0.5 inches (13mm) and removing areas of unsound concrete. A patch and overlay with low
slump dense concrete (LSDC) was applied. The eastbound lane was used as control, while the west bound lane was treated with MCI-2000 admixture at 1 pint per cubic yard (0.6 liter per cubic
The year 2000 update showed neither side has entered active corrosion. However, the MCI®
treated side still has lower corrosion potentials and corrosion rates than the control side. Chloride
analysis showed the MCI® treated side should not initiate corrosion until the year 2022, while the
control side should begin corroding in the year 2005 (17 year increase in service life).
Gas Chromatography analysis showed the presense of MCI-2000 at a 3” depth after 15 years, on the treated side, while no MCI-2000 was on the control side (as expected).
深圳市丰安科技有限公司是美国CORTEC公司中国总代理,15年来提供原装进口 VPCI 377、VPCI 146、VPCI 369、VPCI 126、VPCI 329 、VPCI649等气相防锈材料,百家上市企业指定供应商。咨询热线:0755-25549278 / 13380394278
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- Cortec VpCI-649防锈液有效应对模具冷却水系统的腐蚀
- VpCI-146防锈纸 & VpCI-126防锈膜保护小金属部件免受腐蚀
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- VPCI-329用于测试、运输和储存期间腐蚀防护的发动机油添加剂
- 多种尺寸的VpCI-146气相防锈纸可用于防止金属零件生锈