- [应用案例]某石油公司VPCI-609防锈粉应用案例2017年03月21日 14:26
- Corrosion was developing on internal surfaces of pipelines and vessels. It was especially evident during and after hydrotesting. These pipelines and vessels were located on offshore platforms, refineries and onshore oil & gas receiving stations.
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- [技术资讯]美国CORTEC水性防锈液VPCI-337技术资讯12017年03月20日 09:35
- Short Brothers Limited Technical Group wanted to test the effectiveness of Cortec VpCI-337 as a universal corrosion preventative for most metals, including aluminum. They evaluated VpCI-337 for use on components, sheets, stacks and coils stored in-house. They also wanted to find out if VpCI-337 would contaminate metal parts.
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- [应用案例]美国CORTEC VpCI-337水性防锈液应用案例2017年03月20日 09:26
- Short Brothers Limited Technical Group wanted to test the effectiveness of Cortec VpCI-337 as a universal corrosion preventative for most metals, including aluminum. They evaluated VpCI-337 for use on components, sheets, stacks and coils stored in-house. They also wanted to find out if VpCI-337 would contaminate metal parts.
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- [技术资讯]CORTEC水性防锈涂料VPCI-386技术资讯2017年03月17日 14:40
- The chemical manufacturer had just completed an expansion, Phase 3, to their existing plant using masonry and precast concrete panels. The existing building was experiencing signs of weathering and rust stains had started to show on some precast panels where the rebars had insufficient concrete coverage. The problem was how to inhibit the corrosion, protect the building and tie the existing building and new addition together to be esthetically pleasing structure.
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- [应用案例]美国CORTEC VpCI-386水性防锈涂料应用案例12017年03月17日 14:36
- The chemical manufacturer had just completed an expansion, Phase 3, to their existing plant using masonry and precast concrete panels. The existing building was experiencing signs of weathering and rust stains had started to show on some precast panels where the rebars had insufficient concrete coverage. The problem was how to inhibit the corrosion, protect the building and tie the existing building and new addition together to be esthetically pleasing structure.
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- [技术资讯]美国CORTEC VPCI-369气相防锈油技术资讯12017年03月16日 15:15
- Protection of pickled and unpickled coils and bundles of cut lengths during storage and shipping.
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- [应用案例]美国CORTEC VPCI-369气相防锈油应用案例12017年03月16日 14:31
- Protection of pickled and unpickled coils and bundles of cut lengths during storage and shipping.
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- [技术资讯]美国CORTEC VPCI-377水性防锈剂技术资讯12017年03月15日 12:00
- Protection of snowmobile engines during storage and shipment
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- [应用案例]美国CORTEC VPCI-377水性防锈剂应用案例12017年03月15日 11:34
- Protection of snowmobile engines during storage and shipment
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- [应用案例]美国CORTEC VPCI-146防锈纸应用案例22017年03月14日 10:47
- Copper pipe manufactured by Outokumpu cor?rodes easily due to an extremely humid environ?ment. Outokumpu needed to protect the finished pipe from corrosion during shipping as well as storage.
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- [应用案例]美国CORTEC VpCI-126气相防锈膜应用2017年03月10日 17:58
- Storage of heavy manufacturing tooling in an open warehouse condition. Customer needed a product that left no residue and that was easy to dispose of.
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- [应用案例]美国CORTEC VPCI-329应用案例2017年03月08日 17:09
- Silicon steel plates used for micro motors rust easily. Johnson Ltd. needed a way to protect their plates from corrosion for a three month period.
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- 由于客户的危化品储物柜...
- 由于客户的危化品储物柜...
- 1如何使用VpCI-146保护电子"裸板"免受腐蚀
- 2Cortec VpCI-422在汽车行业除锈方面的优势
- 3Cortec呼吁汽车制造商通过有效的运输和存储腐蚀解决方案保护其利润
- 4CorShield VpCI-146纸:轻松腐蚀防护与"循环经济"相结合!
- 5如何通过一个简单的步骤保护电气和电子产品免受腐蚀
- 6cortec的VpCI-146防锈纸和VpCI-126防锈膜选择哪个
- 7Cortec VpCI-368用于重载腐蚀防护的首选可去除涂层
- 8Cortec VpCI-649防锈液有效应对模具冷却水系统的腐蚀
- 9VPCI-111和VPCI-105保护电气柜出口无腐蚀不生锈
- 10VpCI-146防锈纸 & VpCI-126防锈膜保护小金属部件免受腐蚀